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Picture: From The Solo Exhibition: "The Female Urge to Feel Small”, Arboga (SWE), Spring 2023.

Pictures: From the group exhibition "SPIN" at Crumheaven, Stockholm (SWE), Summer 2023.

Picture: From the group exhibition "T.EX" at Konstfack (SWE), Winter 2020.

Picture: From the group exhibition “Nesting Part II” at Brändan/Folketsmark-Malmö, (SWE), Autumn 2023.

Pictures: From the group exhibition “Tete-A-Tete”. Tornrummet, Gothenburg (SWE), Spring 2021.

Textile Sculptures 

This artwork explores my personal fear of butterflies. It´s about self-discovery and confronting my phobia through the art. The visuals aim to blend beauty and fear.

Two of them can be seen in Rian's Design Museum collection, Falkenberg (Sweden).