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Showcasing the creative endeavors of textile alumni spanning the last three years.

Participants: Lovisa Axén, Agnes Eriksson, Alexander Jakobsson, Elisabeth Radhe, Josefin Selander, Klara Gartman,  Lena Royalz, Linn Karlsson, Lynn Stenvall, Micael de Leeuw, Moa-Matilda Nilsson, Philipa Clarén, Sanne Lovén Rolén, Timmy Sjöblom. 

I Participated whit Glöm Bort Mig (Forget About Me) and Glöm Bort Mig Nu (Forget About Me Now)

Glöm Bort Mig and Glöm Bort Mig Nu is textile artworks that interprets the experience of being stuck in a negative loop through the video game The Sims and digital TC2 weaving. In the artwork, I created a sim character in the game where I chose not to fulfill any of her wishes, resulting in her being very unhappy.

The Sims is a video game where players can create their own simulated people, known as "sims," and control their lives by choosing their personalities, careers, relationships, and homes.

I created the artworks by taking screenshots of my sim character in the game, processing them in an image editing program, and layering them with weave patterns that I then transferred to a TC2 loom and wove with wool, cotton, and mohair. 

Glöm Bort Mig
Glöm Bort Mig (2023)
Handwoven on a Digital TC2 loom in linen, cotton, wool, and mohair.

Glöm Bort Mig Nu (2023)
Handwoven on a Digital TC2 loom in linen, cotton, wool, and mohair. Handquilted frame in glossy textile. 

© 2025 Lovisa Axén