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Glöm Bort Mig Nu
(Forget Me Now)

Handwoven on a Digital TC2 loom in linen, cotton, wool, and mohair. Quilted textile frame in glossy satin. 

Glöm Bort Mig Nu (Forget me Now) is a textile artwork that interprets the experience of being stuck in a negative loop through the video game The Sims and digital TC2 weaving. In the artwork, I created a sim character in the game where I chose not to fulfill any of her wishes or needs, resulting in her being very unhappy.

The Sims is a video game where players can create their own simulated people, known as "sims," and control their lives by choosing their personalities, careers, relationships, and homes.

I created the artwork by taking screenshots of my sim character in the game, processing them in an image editing program, and layering them with weave patterns that I then transferred to a TC2 loom and wove with wool, cotton, and mohair.

Created during Axéns recidansy on Icelandic Textile Center (2022). Pictures from Axén´s Solo Exhibition The Female Urge To Feel Small in Arbogas city Library (2023).