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Glöm Bort Mig (2023)
Handwoven on a Digital TC2 loom in linen, cotton, wool, and mohair.

Konstverken Glöm Bort Mig och Glöm Bort Mig Nu, fångar känslan av att vara fast i en negativ spiral genom att kombinera datorspelet The Sims med digital vävning på en TC2‐vävstol. Genom att använda skärmbilder från spelet och applicera dem på TC2‐vävningen har jag skapat textila bilder som porträtterar karaktärens emotionella tillstånd. Genom att utforska repetitiva negativa mönster och förena det digitala med det analoga skapas en dialog mellan den virtuella världen och den fysiska verkligheten. Dessa verk ingår i en serie som låter betraktaren reflektera över psykologiska dynamiker.

“Glöm Bort mig” is a textile artwork that interprets the experience of being stuck in a negative loop through the video game The Sims and digital TC2 weaving. In the artwork, I created a sim character in the game where I chose not to fulfill any of her wishes, resulting in her being very unhappy.

The Sims is a video game where players can create their own simulated people, known as "sims," and control their lives by choosing their personalities, careers, relationships, and homes.

I created the artwork by taking screenshots of my sim character in the game, processing them in an image editing program, and layering them with weave patterns that I then transferred to a TC2 loom and wove with wool, cotton, and mohair.

Created during my recidansy on Icelandic Textile Center. Pictures from Axén´s Solo Exhibition “The Female Urge To Feel Small”  in Arbogas city Library, spring 2023.